The RAeS Boscombe Down Branch invites you to attend the following online lecture: Obtaining Operational Approvals of RPAS Operations utilised by NATO by Jamie Sayer CEng MBA SIIRSM RPP
Tuesday 15th March 2022 – 17:30 GMT

Obtaining Operational Approvals of RPAS Operations utilised by NATO
The NATO Applied Vehicle Technology Working Group 278 (AVT-278) was formed of a technical group of UAS (‘drone’) SMEs, who’s task was a three year technological activity to:
- Analyse the impact of risk based approach on RPAS operations in the military and civilian world;
- Analyse countries individual approaches to military RPAS approvals;
- Make recommendations for harmonisation of the approval of NATO RPAS operations.
This work was completed in 2019 and had potential ramifications for the pursuit of civil RPAS (‘drone’) approvals. Jamie Sayer took this work and applied it to the new EASA Regulations 945 and 947. It became clear that, as the NATO work was based upon good manned aviation principles, the ‘9 Considerations’ formed a good basis for which to achieve drone compliance in accordance with EASA 945 & 947 and were therefore good principles for global drone approvals.
In this brief, Jamie explains why the AVT-278 ‘9 Considerations’ are critical for safe and airworthy drone design, production and operations – and demonstrates how they fully meet the EASA regs.
Please Note: This brief does not intend to explain the EASA 945 & 947 rules. Please contact Jamie separately if you would like to know more (contact details will be provided during the lecture).

Senior Principal Systems Engineer & UAV Expert, QinetiQ
Retired Commander Jamie Sayer joined the Royal Navy in 1995 as an Air Engineering Officer (AEO). For his first front-line squadron tour, he was appointed to 801 Naval Air Squadron, operating the mighty Sea Harrier aircraft. On 801 NAS, he undertook deployments in support of Op Southern Watch (the IRAQ no fly zone) and Op Palliser (Sierra Leone). In 2005, he was appointed to Fleet HQ as the Release to Service Manager, responsible for the airworthiness for all 13 types of Royal Navy aircraft, including the more peculiar Dauphin helicopter and Mirach towed target. Whilst in this post, he oversaw the clearances for the Sea King Mk4 modifications that would facilitate the aircraft’s use in Afghanistan. After leaving Fleet HQ, he was fortunate enough to convince the RN that he would be a perfect candidate for an MBA course at the Cranfield School of Management. Whilst on course, he wrote a thesis analysing the contractual relationship between MoD and the UK Defence Aerospace Sector.
After requesting a “junglie” unit, Jamie was surprised and delighted that he ended up as AEO of 845 Commando Helicopter Sqn, providing vital support on Operations in Afghanistan. Whilst on 845, he saw the Sqn receive the prestigious Breitling Trophy and Bambara Flight Safety Trophy. He then completed a number of tours at DE&S Abbey Wood, including a valuable role as the Lightning II Deputy Sustainment Lead and UK Fleet Manager. His last job in the Royal Navy was as the Type Airworthiness Authority for several Unmanned Air Systems within the UAS Team at Abbey Wood.
Since leaving the armed forces Jamie has been employed as an engineering systems, safety and autonomous systems expert at Ebeni, Boeing and now currently QinetiQ. He is an aviation focused specialist member of the IIRSM and has a wealth of experience managing and teaching risk and safety management. He also a mentor within the IIRSM.
Venue: Online (Microsoft Teams Live)
17:15 – Event Opens (allowing time to resolve any technical issues)
17:30 – Lecture Starts
How to Watch:
This lecture event has concluded and is available to watch on our website here.
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