The RAeS Boscombe Down Branch invites you to attend the following Lecture: TSR-2 – The Bomber That Barely Flew by Joe Jackson (Rolls-Royce)
9th February 2021 – 17:30 GMT

TSR-2 – The Bomber That Barely Flew
This lecture covers the chequered story of a Cold War aircraft that had a strong connection to Boscombe Down – the BAC TSR-2. Its story is one of pride that, despite political infamy and unkept promises, demonstrated unmatched technical evolution and resolve.

Joe Jackson
Joe is a 28-year-old engineer with a passion for aviation and public speaking. He studied Engineering at Loughborough University and went on to work at Rolls-Royce for five years, developing jet engine manufacturing and assembly techniques across the UK and Virginia, USA. In his spare time he flies a Cessna 172 and enjoys getting out on his road bike.
Online (Microsoft Teams Live)
17:15 – Please join the broadcast ready for the start and to allow time to resolve any technical issues.
17:30 – Lecture Starts
How To Watch:
This lecture event has concluded and is now available to view on our website by clicking on the following link: Recorded Lecture: TSR-2 – The Bomber That Barely Flew by Joe Jackson
To watch all of our uploaded Boscombe Down Branch online lectures, along with a series of recorded audio lectures, please visit the following pages of our website: Recorded Video Lectures and Recorded Audio Lectures. To view lecture events from other Branches and additional RAeS video content, please click on this link: RAeS YouTube Channel.
Are you pursuing CEng, IEng or EngTech status? Attendance at our lectures will help you meet your CPD requirements!
Visitors Welcome – you do not need to be a member of the Branch, nor a member of the Royal Aeronautical Society, to attend.
If you have any comments or questions, please contact