The RAeS Boscombe Down Branch invites you to attend the following lecture: Returning a UK-built Mosquito to our Skies by David Smith & Alan Pickford (The People’s Mosquito, TPM)
Tuesday 16th November 2021 – 17:30 GMT

Returning a UK-built Mosquito to our Skies
The second part of the Boscombe Down Branch’s ‘Mosquito Month’ (commemorating the 80th anniversary of the De Havilland Mosquito entering RAF service), this online lecture looks at the history of the ‘Wooden Wonder’ and the ongoing project to return a Mosquito to UK skies.
After an introduction, the presentation will cover the genesis of the DH.98 Mosquito, focusing on the manufacturing method and the materials used, with a short piece on the engines. It will then conclude with a little more information about the charity ‘The People’s Mosquito’, the ongoing restoration project and an update on progress to date.

David Smith, TPM Director of Fundraising/Trustee
David spent 23 years with Airbus and predecessor companies in a variety of contractual, commercial and business management roles involved on virtually all new aircraft programmes launched during his service. He became a specialist in complex commercial transactions, often leading high profile and strategically important international negotiations.
He recently retired after nine years working within the UK Department for Transport in a senior commercial role at DVSA. Although holding a LLB (hons) degree he is at heart a frustrated engineer and is interested in anything with an engine especially motorcycles and aircraft.

Alan Pickford, TPM Finance Director and Trustee
Alan recently retired after 45 years working with Exxon/Mobil. For most of that time, he was involved in developing Cost & Schedule estimates for capital projects at refineries in Europe and America. His love of the Mosquito stems from growing up in Exeter, where the last Mosquito’s operating in the UK were based, and the fact that his uncle flew 48 missions to Germany as a Mosquito navigator in WW2.
How To Watch:
This lecture event has concluded and the recording is now available to watch on our website here.
Are you pursuing CEng, IEng or EngTech status? Attendance at our lectures will help you meet your CPD requirements!
Visitors Welcome – you do not need to be a member of the Branch, nor a member of the Royal Aeronautical Society, to attend.
If you have any comments or questions, please contact