Due to a number of technical difficulties experienced during the first broadcast of this lecture in February, the RAeS Boscombe Down Branch invites you to attend a re-run of the following lecture: Structural Dynamic Integration of Weapon Carriers on Rotorcraft by Tom Magowan (Leonardo Helicopters)
11th March 2021 – 17:30 GMT

Structural Dynamic Integration of Weapon Carriers on Rotorcraft
Minimising vibration is one of the fundamentally important considerations when designing rotorcraft. Excessive vibration affects component fatigue lives, crew comfort and the operational performance of systems. This is made very challenging when applied to weapon systems, which can sometimes have over 100 possible weapon permutations, each with differing dynamic properties.
This presentation takes a trip through the Structural Dynamic theory for rotorcraft and its application on weapon carriers, from modelling to modal testing and finally onto flight testing.

Tom Magowan
Tom is a Senior Structural Dynamics Analyst at Leonardo Helicopters. He graduated from the University of Bath in 2015 with a degree in Integrated Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. His university career culminated in competing with, and crashing at high speed, a UAV in the inaugural IMechE UAS challenge; a competition which he still supports as a mentor to student teams. After spending two years on the Leonardo graduate scheme, he joined the Structural Dynamics department to work on developing active vibration control systems on the AW101 and the active rotor research program. More recently, he has taken on the role of department technical lead on AW159 and Lynx programmes working on the structural dynamic integration of weapon carriers on AW159.
Online (Microsoft Teams Live)
17:15 – Please join the broadcast ready for the start and to allow time to resolve any technical issues.
17:30 – Lecture Starts
How To Watch:
This lecture event has concluded and unfortunately we are unable to upload the lecture recording to the Royal Aeronautical Society YouTube channel.
To watch all of our uploaded Boscombe Down Branch online lectures, along with a series of recorded audio lectures, please visit the following pages of our website: Recorded Video Lectures and Recorded Audio Lectures. To view lecture events from other Branches and additional RAeS video content, please click on this link: RAeS YouTube Channel.
Are you pursuing CEng, IEng or EngTech status? Attendance at our lectures will help you meet your CPD requirements!
Visitors Welcome – you do not need to be a member of the Branch, nor a member of the Royal Aeronautical Society, to attend.
If you have any comments or questions, please contact BoscombeDown@aerosociety.com.