The RAeS Boscombe Down Branch invites you to attend the following Lecture: Apollo 11 by Pat Norris (Space Engineer (retired) and Author)
19th November 2019
Buzz Aldrin on the surface of the moon Pat Norris
Apollo 11 Moon Landing 50 Years On
-“a giant leap for mankind”, but when will humans go there again?
The 50th anniversary of the July 1969 Apollo 11 Moon landing is an opportunity to re-live this iconic space mission guided by an engineer who participated in its development. Just eight years after Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped onto the Sea of Tranquillity watched on live TV by hundreds of millions around the world. Key elements of the mission will be described so as to throw light on current American, Chinese and Russian plans to send humans back there. A brief review of the failed Soviet attempts to beat the Americans to the Moon in the 1960s will also help in that regard. The current Chinese Chang’e-4 probe to the hidden side of the Moon will be used to illustrate the increasing sophistication of robotic exploration, that makes it ever more difficult to justify sending humans.
Pat Norris’s 50 years of space experience include the Apollo Moon landings as a NASA contractor, and the Hubble Space Telescope as a European Space Agency programe manager. From 1980 until his retirement in 2018 he worked for software multinational CGI. Author of three books, the most recent is Returning People to the Moon after Apollo: Will It Be Another 50 Years? He chaired the trade association of Britain’s space industry in the 1990s and frequently provided advice to Government and Parliament – including recent evidence to Parliament’s BREXIT Committee. He received the Apollo Individual Achievement Award from Neil Armstrong in August 1969 and the Sir Arthur Clarke Award in 2016. He is a Fellow of RAeS and a chartered engineer (CITP). More at
Lecture Hall
MOD Boscombe Down
17:00 – Tea and Coffee available
17:15 – Lecture Starts
Are you pursuing CEng, IEng or EngTech status? Attendance at our lectures will help you meet your CPD requirements, and certificates of attendance will be provided!
Visitors Welcome – you do not need to be a member of the Branch, nor a member of the Royal Aeronautical Society, to attend. For further details, explore the Branch website.
External members or members without a security pass will need to declare their intention to attend this lecture through contacting us at
by Friday prior to the lecture.