RAeS Lunchtime Lecture
EPNER: Learning Flight Test the French Way
Katherine Hueston
Katherine Hueston joined QinetiQ in 2010 as a graduate Flight Physics Engineer, having graduated from the University of Strathclyde with a Master’s degree in Aero-mechanical engineering.
During her career at QinetiQ she has been involved in flight trials with 206(R) Squadron (Heavy Aircraft Test Squadron) and on Puma Mk2 before being selected for EPNER, the French flight test school.
Katherine graduated as a rotary wing Flight Test Engineer from EPNER in 2014 and since then has mostly been working on Merlin, with a focus on Ship Helicopter Operating Limitations (SHOL) work.
This presentation talks about the structure of flight test in France, EPNER from past to present, and draws on differences in how flight test is carried out in France compared to the UK. Katherine will talk about her own experiences at EPNER and where she thinks good practice can be learned from the French.
Officers’ Mess
MOD Boscombe Down
Amesbury, Wiltshire, SP4 0JF
12:00 – Tea and Coffee available
12:15 – Lecture Starts
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For further details, contact James Innes on 01980 664284 or visit www.BoscombeDownRAeS.org