The RAeS Boscombe Down Branch Joe Morrall Award for Young Professionals
Tuesday 9th March 2021

UPDATE (02/03/21): THE ENTRY WINDOW HAS NOW CLOSED. Thank you to everyone who has entered this year!
The Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) Boscombe Down Branch is pleased to announce that our annual Joe Morrall Award competition will be going ahead in 2021. The competition was launched at Boscombe Down in 2010 and is open to anyone under the age of 30 (including non-members of the RAeS and Boscombe Down Branch and those who do not work at MOD Boscombe Down). The award is named in memory of Joe Morrall, an aeronautical engineer and scientist who enjoyed a long and distinguished career at MoD Boscombe Down. More information about Joe’s career and his involvement with the Boscombe Down Branch can be found here.
This is a prestigious award, recognised by both the Boscombe Down Branch and members of the senior leadership team within QinetiQ, some of whom will be present on the day. It is therefore an invaluable opportunity to develop communication skills and win a great prize. For 2021, this is a £250 Amazon voucher! The winner of the competition will also be put forward for the Royal Aeronautical Society’s N E Rowe Award, which is awarded for the best lecture given across all Branches of the society.
Competition Details
Competition entrants will be judged on a short technical presentation (15 – 20 mins), which this year will be given virtually via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 9th March 2021. The presentations can be devoted to any aspect of aeronautics, space and associated topics and will be followed by a short Q&A with a panel of judges.
Like the 2020 Joe Morrall Award, this year’s event will not be open to the public, with only committee members and selected guests making up the audience. Provided appropriate permissions are obtained from the speakers, we will be publishing the top lectures from the competition on the RAeS YouTube Channel and our website afterwards.
Participants will benefit from:
- Developing presentation skills with a knowledgeable yet sympathetic audience
- Receiving feedback and coaching on presentation techniques from mentors and an experienced panel of judges
- Gaining relevant and accountable CPD experience
- An excellent opportunity to network with senior Branch members and members of the QinetiQ leadership team
- The potential of going on to take part the national N E Rowe Award
- The opportunity to win a £250 Amazon voucher!
How to Apply
THE ENTRY WINDOW HAS NOW CLOSED. Thank you and good luck to everyone who has entered this year, we look forward to hearing your presentations on the 9th March!
For more information on the competition, please email the Branch at

From left to right: Competition judge Doug Gale (Director Strategic Engagement), competition runner-up Chris Blakeborough (Assistant Electrical Engineer), competition winner Rebecca Bates (AWC 56 Squadron Operational Analyst) & competition judge Nick Lay (Air & Space Engineering Director).
To learn more about last year’s Joe Morrall Award, click here.